Posted by Scott Dannenberg - President on May 18th 2017
Top 4 Strategies to reduce pain and recovery time
after Knee, Hip or Shoulder surgery or injury
Recovery can be long, painful and unpleasant, but you can be much more comfortable and recover quicker by incorporating the following important tips:
1. Utilize a Cold Therapy (Cryotherapy) System to reduce pain and quicken your recover time (versus ice packs or frozen peas).
Cold Therapy recirculates a consistent temperature of cold water directly to your recovery area which temporarily deadens nerve endings to provide needed pain relief. This process also Click to See More...
2. Consider a Recovery Lift and Positioning chair which will shorten healing time by minimizing pain and the stress of re-positioning to get comfortable or for getting up or back down for daily activities like toileting. Motorized adjustments get you to your exact best position for maximum comfort and better sleep. Recovery chairs also provide more precise positioning of your body (for napping, eating, reading, Trendelenburg position which positions your feet above your heart*, etc.) to reduce swelling and improve circulation.
3. Follow all Physician orders. Sounds obvious but the amount of rest, proper positioning of the affected area, taking medications as directed and following nutritional and hydration recommendations during recovery will make a big difference.
4. Complete appropriate stretching, therapy schedules and exercise programs to regain range of motion, strength and balance.
* Available on infinite position chairs only.
You will be extremely happy if you do chose to utilize and Cold Therapy and Recovery Chair! Most units are available for rental or purchase. Your local provider can educate you and your family on how to operate the equipment.
Examples of procedures recommended for Cold Therapy
- Post-Operative Knee Replacement Recovery
- Post-Operative Shoulder Surgery Recovery
- ACL Repair Recovery
- Hip and Back Surgery Recovery
- Rotator Cuff Repair Recovery
- Sports Injury Recovery
- Orthopedic Fractures
- Orthopedic Trauma and Incision Recovery
- Reduces Edema from sprains and strains
- Plastic Surgery Recovery
If you have certain medical conditions related to Diabetes, Raynaud's or other vasospastic disease, cold hypersensitivity, neuropathic (nerve) disorders. or compromised local circulation, you will need to consult with your healthcare provider. These conditions could have an adverse effect and Cold Therapy should not be utilized. An Rx from your Physician is recommended which will confirm that Cold Therapy will be a safe and effective option for you.
Have more questions? We are here to help and have a showroom in Raleigh to see and try products in person. Call us at 1-800-681-8831
Monday-Thursday 9-5:30, Friday 9-4, Sat 10 - 2.